Hebrews and the Word

Meditation on Hebrews 4:12-16
" It is not lawful for the Church to ordain any thing that is contrary to God's Word written...." Article XX

How do we know about God except He has given us His Word? We know about Him through His Word ? " For the word of God is living and active & sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit of both joints and marrow, and quick to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

But as I thought about this and agree with it that the Word is written, is not the Word Christ Himself? John 1:1 reminds us that the Word was with God and is God....and this is talking about Jesus for He became flesh and dwelt among us. 1:14 The Word , Jesus, is a great High Priest who has passed into the heavens, the Son of God.

We have a structure and strong deliverer , not sand, but a House built upon the Rock, and as ST Paul said, " and the rock was Christ" I Corinthians 10:4

If you take out the Word from the Word you have sand. No matter how much we protest it cannot be possible to build a structure without a foundation. How many of us have seen that house on the weather channel that stood the hurricane? It is the only one left standing.

The real question below foundation is , " by what authority?" As we said in the opening, no doctrine in this Church can contradict the Word written, or " it is not lawful."

2. Because we have a strong foundation and the Word who is Jesus we can go to Him with boldness in times of need. " I need Thee every hour" may be appropriate here. He knows, and cares about our situations and difficulties. We know but forget so too often.
" It is because we know our High Priest to be sympathetic and victorious that we can draw near to Him in resolute confidence. His throne is the seat of divine and omnipotent power, and it is the source from which boundless grace is bestowed. We draw near to that throne to obtain mercy, for we are conscious of our sin; we draw near to receive grace, for we confess our weakness. Nor shall we ever be disappointed as we put our confident trust in our sympathetic Savior, our victorious and ascended High Priest." The Epistle to the Hebrews Charles R. Erdman

There is no greater Throne anywhere to replace the Throne of grace.


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