In Hebrews is salvation at the cross by our great High Priest

Hebrews 2 Drifting or Anchored?
Is it possible to drift away from our faith and religion? We call it apostasy, a " falling away from the living God" ( Erdman) Hebrews thinks so. Hebrews 2: 1 tells us to think about not "drifting away " from the things that we have heard. Watching sailing boats does not make us a sailor for example. We may need encouragement to persevere. All of us do. Last week we spoke of angels. Today the message from Hebrews contrasts angels with Jesus Christ, our Lord.
He made " purfication of sins" being much better than the angels. Christ, the eternal Son, was born in human flesh so that we could be redeemed. Let me ask it this way. If you have ever gone through a difficulty or stress, who is helpful? Yes, the one who has also gone through it too , and can be an encourager for they know the pitfalls, the problems and the difficulties. We read in 2:18. " For in that He himself has suffered being tempted, He is able to succor them that are tempted."

An airline pilot who has only done simulation and never flown is not one you want to fly with the first time he tries. Our Lord Jesus is right there with us for He was born into our world, of the flesh, and in the womb of the Virgin Mary.

The message of angels " proved stedfast" ....; " how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation" ? The amazing message and truth is that Jesus Christ, the eternal Son, of the Holy Trinity , came into our world as a real person, truly Divine, truly human. Without His eternal nature sins could not be forgiven, but He is eternal, real and here with us today as well.

1. 2:17 says it " behooved Him in all things to be made like unto his brethren" " Behooved" means ethically it was the right thing for Him to do, to become like us , so that His sacrifice would represent us to the Father. It had to be acceptable, not from afar. He needed to be born into our world so that we could become reborn through His blood. If we deny the eternal nature of Jesus we lose. If we deny the human nature of Jesus we lose. One Person in two natures must be our mediator and redeemer. The Scriptures clearly in so many places teach His eternal and human nature if we would receive them.

The word drift means to flow by, slip away, and " to lapse into ' spiritual defeat', describing how we slowly move away from our morrings in Christ." Helps word studies,

This is so illustrative, but it happens to individuals, churches and a nation.
2. 2:17 goes on " that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God"
The office of a high priest is to make atonement, that is a sacrifice to bring men and God back together. This is so needed for us. Without Christ as our High Priest we cannot have fellowship with God or each other.

We need somone who understands yes, but someone who can fix the gap between God and us. Sin keeps us from God. " The blood of His Son Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin." No cross, no crown for Him or us.

Merciful- full of pity, compassionate within the character of the covenant God has made with us
Faithful- trustworthy, loyalty to faith

3. " to make propititation for the sins of the people"
hiláskomai hilasmós, "propitiation, appeasement/satisfaction of divine wrath on sin" – properly, to extend propitiation, showing mercy by satisfying (literally, propitiating) the wrath of God on sin as in Word Helps
This is the root of the issue. Hebrews cannot be read without this in mind . Sin must be dealt with according to God's Word, not our own ideas. Why the Cross? Because of this word propitiation. Adam sinned and in that fall we sinned all. Redemption is through faith in His blood Romans 3:25, not our own efforts , baptism or any thing else. There is no other way to heaven but through the gate of Jesus.
This is a blessing. Any Church with a Cross that does not preach it is contradicting itself. A flower cannot save. Only the Cross. At the Cross where I first believed!!!!

Concl. Drifting is a problem and was a problem. The word spoken by Angels was steadfast. How great a salvation we have. We should not change it to suit our own feelings. It is our salvation, and nothing else. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the life.


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