Water into Wine John 2

Water into Wine in John 2.
Jesus takes the ordinary and turns it into something marvelous. He took the water turned into wine , showed His glory, and His disciples believed in Him. John 2:11 I note that Jesus & His disciples were invited to the wedding by I assume His mother. " And ..there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there: and Jesus was also bidden." We do not know for sure , but He came to a marriage.

I see something here about Jesus being present at this wedding , " He showed His approval of joy and gladness, He sanctified marriage and all our social relationships, and above all He indicated how human lives would be glorified by Him.." Erdman

Ordinary life is to be glorified by God's presence & enjoyed by us His disciples when we see life as a gift and a joy. Life for sure is full of joys as well as sorrows, but God is present in all of it. Unfortunately Christians are not always known for joy. We should not be a dour group, but a joyful one, and that we are.
I see something wonderful in that the ordinary life is to be enjoyed in God's presence. We often forget that the little things are important. Jesus said something later about a cup of cold water given in His name, Matthew 10:42, has a reward.

“I always arrive late at the office, but I make up for it by leaving early.”
― Charles Lamb

We can devalue the little things that we do for others and that others for us, and we can take joy in them , as too part of God's appointment for our life here.

2. Secondly, I note the ordinary is turned into something extraordinary. God does that, and Jesus took the water and turned it into wine. The leadership of the event said, " thou hast kept the good wine until now.." 2: 10 Ordinarily they would start with that, and later serve the older stuff. Our Lord Jesus did a miracle, or sign as John calls it , which was His first, and showed His glory. No one else could have done that, but God alone. Jesus showed that in His humanity He was also Divine . Two natures in one person.

Today we call this answers to prayer that exhibits God's action through our human prayers. Someone is healed, someone comes to see Jesus for the first time in who He really is. In other words life is hallowed by God's lovely presence.

We could say it happens every year at Christmas and Easter, but every Sunday is a taste of the Lord's beauty as we see Him glorified in worship, love and action. The Sacraments of the Gospel, Baptism and Holy Communion take ordinary things, water, and wine and when mixed with faith are given to us by God's loving grace. We may want to call the others that the RC churches have sacraments , but not like, Holy Communion & Baptism of the gospel, but minor as some say in Anglican circles----Confession, Ordination, Unction, Marriage & Confirmation. That as we ring the bells each Sunday are signs of God's presence.

I wonder if we have experienced the ordinary turning something extraordinary. I remember when my mother died and I was living in Florala, and walking by the ordinary Hardees. I was full of a lot of grief, but God opened the heavens on a shady day, and it seemed I saw her playing the piano as she so loved to do, in heaven I prayed. All of us have had some kind of experience here that foreshadows heaven's glory and we know it to be true. It may only be a word that someone to us while we are struggling, and that is a gracious moment in our lives.

Lastly, thirdly, I noted the word in here in the text. " This beginning of His signs did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed on Him." Here it is on Him. I looked it up. What does that little preposition mean?
Strong's Concordance
eis: to or into (indicating the point reached or entered, of place, time, fig. purpose, result)
Original Word: εἰς
Part of Speech: Preposition
Transliteration: eis
Phonetic Spelling: (ice)
Definition: to or into (indicating the point reached or entered, of place, time, purpose, result)
Usage: into, in, unto, to, upon, towards, for, among.

Jesus is " into (indicating the point reached or entered, of place, time, purpose, result)" Knowing Him is life. In Him we have life for He is the light and life. How wonderful that Jesus is God and in Him we have life. We celebrate His birth, His epiphany ( appearing and manifestation which we are in now) & soon we will celebrate with our Bishop, His Resurrection over death.
No, this is not just a symbol. It is real. It is true. It is to have Him that we enter now into everlasting life. We have passed over from death unto life.



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