Wise Men Follow Epiphany 2019

Wise Men Matthew 2
Many things stand out in these few verses. Note what is said by one famous theologian, " Søren Kierkegaard
Although the scribes could explain where the Messiah should be born, they remained quite unperturbed in Jerusalem. They did not accompany the Wise Men to seek him. Similarly we may be able to explain every article of our faith, yet remain spiritually motionless. The power that moved heaven and earth leaves us completely unmoved.
What a contrast! The three kings had only a rumor to go by. But it spurred them to set out on a long, hard journey. The scribes, meanwhile, were much better informed, much better versed. They had sat and studied the scriptures for years, like so many dons. But it didn’t make any difference. Who had the more truth? Those who followed a rumor, or those who remained sitting, satisfied with all their knowledge?"
Source: Watch for the Light

I had never thought about this so much until I read this. It exhorts us as well to not be complacent, but active in our Bible reading and thoughts. Many are called but few are chosen Matthew 22:14. Those who sit and fail to act are like the well versed scribes. We do well to find ourselves somewhere here in this story. A preacher in town put this on his sign, " Wise Men follow". Perhaps that is what we forget. ...the main thing. Examine ourselves on this festival Epiphany.

2. I cannot but think that this Epiphany, appearing, of the Star is meant to tell us something about God's reach. He can reach all the way at least we hear they may have been from Egypt, Greece , and India possibly. "The Kingdom of God is larger and more glorious from the inside than you could have ever imagined by looking at it from the outside." - Sinclair Ferguson
How we limit God. We do it every day. Human we are as Yoda would say, but we are human, the sun sets and we wait for another to repair our mistakes and sins from the day before. How thankful I am that God does not give up on us.
Of course the prayer for today says it too, " O GOD, who by the leading of a star didst manifest thy only-begotten Son to Gentiles..." The Epistle reading has it too, ..." That the Gentiles should be fellow-heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ by the gospel."

The action is not to limit God in our actions, thoughts and prayers. He has a glorious plan to reach out.

3. We see really the antagonism of Herod here. He was not to be believed, or trusted even though he said he would worship Him . How many are wandering which is not always a bad thing , seeking, yet this type of person ( Herod) knows his reign is being threatened ; so he lies and then murders later in the reading of Matthew 2. I have no difficulty with people that are searching and claim to be spiritual but have not settled on a religion if they are honest in their wandering. " Not all those who wander are lost." J. R. R. Tolkien
This is the key to be honest about our doubts, fears and wanderings...and one day if we continue to follow the Star we shall too be like the Wise men who fell down and worshipped the Christ child vs 9-12. " They saw the young child with Mary his mother; and they fell down and worshipped Him; and opening their treasures they offered unto Him gifts.."

Perhaps you are not there. I encourage you to be honest about your doubts and fears and uncertainties, and bring them to God who alone can remove these in His time.
This is what I like about the Christmas and later Epiphany story. It is full of so much familiar truth but rings true in our hearts when we re look and think and meditate on it. Praise be to God that in His time He sent His Son to be born of a woman, under the law to redeem us.
I am in wonder at how He is working and in this place we call ST . Michaels's Anglican too.


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