Presentation of Jesus in the Temple by Mary and Joseph

The End of the Christmas Season Luke 2
Today we certainly are at the end of the Christmas Season. It is Candlemas or Purification of the Virgin Mary. ( 40 days after the birth of Jesus) " The light was the inspiration for the celebration with candles. It was and still remains to this day a Christian celebration of the purification of Mother Mary and the first appearance of Jesus in the Temple. During the early years, people would place their candles outside the church in order to be blessed. They would then carry them in a procession to church in order to imitate the appearance of Jesus in the Temple." from in England.

I would like to focus on some of the persons who did just that, celebrate the Christ child in the Temple. One was Simeon---famous for the Nunc Dimittis " Now Lettest Thou Depart" ( Latin) He was a faithful watchman , and the " Holy Spirit was upon him" As we focus on others who welcomed Christ, that is the question I ask for us too. What is our focus?

Now what a great question. Many of us focus on others. That in one sense is a good thing, but we cannot control what others or do. We are responsible only for ourselves. If the focus we have is about what others do , then they control us. We are as Christians to be focused on what God wants and His Son. These are revealed to us as they were to Simeon. He was devout and the word is " careful about religious duties." Luke, by Leon Morris ( an Anglican)

I imagine a great deal of our relationships in our lives can be troubling for some reason or another. But we can only present our lives as focused on God and His Word if we are to be His lights at this Candlemas. That is a big deal. It may be as Simeon said we have to be salt ( which is not a bad thing) and light ( which is not a bad thing either) and life ( we all need that) to a culture and people that are not focused on these things.
Simeon said it this way, " ( He) blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, ' Behold , this child is set for the falling and the rising of many in Israel...that thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.' " 2:34 Erdman says of this, " While this salvation is provided for all, it will not be accepted by all."

Simeon's song is sung at Evening Prayer " Nunc Dimittis" & as is the Song of Mary, the " Magnificat" The full song is from vs. 29-32 , Lk 2.
The second person is Anna 2: 36-38 She was a female prophet, or " prophetess" She too came " at that very hour" & " she gave thanks unto God, and spake of Him to all them that were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem."
There is so much to talk about. What are the lessons we can learn from this section of Holy Writ? The Presentation of our Lord, the 1662 title in the Prayer Book focuses more on Jesus, the baby, as we should. We note that Mary too observed the law not only in the circumcision of the baby Jesus on the 8th day, but in this required purification offering of the mother according to the law too.

We could say in our cultural debates, that murder of an unborn or born child is murder. It seems those wish to toss the law would have trouble with Jesus and Mary having to observe the law, because the law according to ST Paul in Romans 7 & our Lord in Matthew 5 is important, needs fulfilling and is just and holy. Who defines holiness? We learn from this Gospel that God defines holiness, not man, and His requirements are requirements. Mary submitted to the law of purification and brought her son Jesus for circumcision.

This Child is salvation to all who acknowledge and believe in Him as He is revealed in the sacred pages of Holy Scriptures through the prophets and the apostles. Man made religion is self worship. Selfie churches are not churches but buildings with teachings of heresy. We must know God through His Word alone, not in the man made inventions of false teachinng. False teachers are not from God and those who follow them are laying no foundation for themselves or their families. I like the quote below so much I end with it. We must present life.

"Shall I “witness” to Mr. Jones instead of reasoning with him? This would be impossible. I cannot witness to him unless I show him the need of accepting my belief instead of his. I must therefore distinguish what I believe from what he believes. But I am not doing this unless I point out to him that my faith spells life and his spells death." Cornelius Van Til ( I met him footnote while at seminary in Philadelphia and have many of his books, one signed.)


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