2 Timothy 1:7 The Gift of Inadequacy

 The Gift of Inadequacy   2 Timothy 1:7

   " I am inadequate to meet life's opportunities, but I will conquer my fear by becoming a riverbed for the flow of God's guidance, love and power." Lloyd Ogilvie

Have you ever felt overwhelmed and underprepared?  We all do, and this is the point at which we can see that God provides in our inability and inadequacy to get His grow His kingdom.  Instead of giving up,  this gives a time to see our need for God's power to do His will .

And we should feel that way!  ..." I'm convinced that unless we are attempting something we could not pull off on our own strength, we have surrendered to the fear of being inadequate...and we become timid and shrink back from attempting what we know we are called to do."  p. 97 Ogilvie

How then and in what way?

2 Tim. 1:7 the Apostle says to his companion and fellow worker in the faith, Timothy,  " God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love , and of a sound mind."

Not fear.  Timidity or cowardice here....deilia greek.

---Comes from---a sound mind ,or self-control. self-discipline or sound reasoning.  This is the Christian and their thinking.

--the fear is removed by the Spirit of God issuing in a healthy Christian attitude toward the problems and difficulties of our lives.

Power or  dynamite comes from God , not our own way .  We are quick to react, act and move without the power of God.

This is all done in love , which is sacrificial. We are not thinking of ourselves, but we are thinking of others and what God is telling us to do in a spirit of love, power and a disciplined way .

" Most of the challenges of life that make us feel inadequate are those in which we are called to love beyond our human ability." Ogilvie

Today as we celebrate and approach the Lord' Table we are humbled by our inadequacy.  We are not able, but the Lord is able we should say!  By His grace we offer the hands of love and forgiveness to those who have hurt us, and we have wounded.

Yes, today we know His crucified life in the wounded healers we are called to be as well.  Here we are loved and love through His broken body and blood, the sacrifice of our Lord on the Cross.

" I am inadequate to meet life's opportunities, but I will conquer my fear by becoming a riverbed for the flow of God's guidance, love and power." 


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