Holy Week Palm Sunday. Critics at the Cross

 Holy Week. Palm Sunday . Matthew 27:42

  Three groups of people abuse Jesus on the Cross , the ignorant sinners, the religious sinners and condemned sinners.

1. The ignorant sinners in vs. 39 " reviled Him, wagging their heads, and saying, ' Thou that destroyeth the temple, and build it in three days , save thyself.  If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross."

" The place of the Crucifixion was close to the great road which led from the North to Jerusalem.  On that Feast-Day , when there was no law to limit locomotion to a Sabbath day's journey, many would naturally be arrested by the spectacle of the three Crosses. ..." Edersheim, Jesus the Messiah.

"Many of them knew nothing of Christ's case, but seeing him punished in company with the two malefactors, thought that he was doubtless guilty of the same crimes as they; others, perhaps, who had seen his miracles and heard something of his teaching, conceived the notion that one whom the priests and rulers condemned must be a dangerous impostor, and deserved the cruelest of deaths" in biblehub.com Pulpit Commentary  and in Psalm 22:7; Ps 109:25 " I became also a reproach unto them: when they looked upon me they shaked their heads."

Ignorant sinners are such a big group in our culture.  They drive on without a thought about who Jesus was, who He is, and what He did . Even when they attend the worship, they come, and go even quicker.  This group needs our intervention and prayer.  We all know someone in this group.

2. The religious sinners point to Jesus on the Cross with disdain. " Likewise also the chief priests mocking Him, with the scribes and elders, said, ' He saved others; Himself He cannot save. If He be the King of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe Him."27: 41-42

Note they acknowledge His power . He saved others.  Lazarus rose from the dead John 11.  The blind man sees John 9. Note they believed it .

But He cannot save Himself they mocked Him.  He could not come down from the Cross and redeem anyone.  He had to suffer, the just for the unjust to take away the sins of the world.  

He endured the taunts of the religious to save His people from their sins...He came the righteous for the unrighteous.  

Note religious leaders were not in good company that day with God's only Son.  Unfortunately this happens today too, when those in religious power abuse it and do not serve, but lord it over others.  God forbid we are ever like this.  We confess we are unable to know what is always right.  We must love with compassion and put ourselves in other's shoes.

3.  Note that in v. 44 the thieves taunt also the Christ....even those who were crucified with Him. Interesting Luke records one asks Jesus to remember him when He came into His Kingdom . Luke 23:42

Conclusion.  Come down from the Cross and we will believe Him says the leaders of the Jews.  It is so today.  People wish for a Saviour without the cross.  Their taunt is untrue.  They will not believe. People do not believe either.  They are stuck in their own beliefs.  We did not believe either until we were drawn by Christ and called.  Out of darkness came light by believing in the Son of God.  We have to get to a place of need as did the other thief on the Cross.  Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom . Then Jesus said, " Today you shall be with me in paradise."  Lk. 23:43


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