Advent II. Mary and Elizabeth

 Luke 1:26-56; Isaiah 55.  Advent II ( Readings are from 1928 Book of Common Prayer- Morning Prayer )  Mary and Elizabeth

  C. S. Lewis said, "  There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind."

Mary and the Angels Luke 1:26-38

What a Gospel for today! It is full of great news and Divine Announcements and the appearance of the Angel Gabriel. To all who are struggling with the life here in so many ways we are all surrounded by such love and mystery that it is overwhelming wonderful! It saddens me at some level, but gives me hope that people who normally do not have any spiritual interest at most times of the year, come to this account in Luke with angels and have interest and wonder.

First, What is this " Gabriel"? A man in Daniel who comes to Daniel touching him, perhaps flying to assure him that God would give him understanding. Daniel 9:21 The Angel Gabriel, lit. Geber el = man of God. He is called an angel in Luke 1. This is angelos in Greek....a messenger, or One who brings tidings. vs 19

(Why do people have interest in this but not in other things that are in the record of the Scriptures? It seems if you accept this truth, you may have to take a look at some of the other things that are in the Scriptures as well. Or the story is so out of this world that it gives people hope that life here is not the end....And they are on to something, as we who are believers accept the Scriptures have sometimes small doubts and questions as well....)

Secondly, Gabriel, the Angel is sent by God with a message to Mary, who is related to Elizabeth, her cousin , mother of John the Baptist to tell her she is " highly favored" for she has found favour with God, and vs. 31, " will conceive in her womb", and become the mother of Jesus, even though a virgin. The father is God, not Joseph.....vs. 35 " The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that Holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God."

In other words with a Divine birth without a human father the eternal Son of God , Jesus is born as a real human. Without His divine nature , we could not be saved, and enter heaven. The virgin birth is so important. It is a cardinal doctrine of the Christian faith, and in the Apostles' and Nicene Creed which we say. His Divinity comes from God who is His Father, yet He ( Jesus) has always been and is eternally divine as well.

3. " Fear not" 1:30 That is the word to Mary and the word to us. Whatever we are afraid of the word of have no fear is to be ours today as well. Mary's faith is our faith as well, born in us , by faith we receive Jesus Christ as our Saviour as well. He gives us eternal life and we are not to be afraid any longer. For nothing shall be impossible with God.

This Holy Gospel today is our great comfort as Christians who believe the record of the Annunciation of the conception of Jesus Christ in the womb of the Virgin Mary by the Holy Ghost.

" And Mary said, ' Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.' And the angel departed from her." vs. 38

We too need the attitude of Mary in our lives as well .  We too are bondslaves of the Lord.

  C. S. Lewis said, "  There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind."

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.


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