Advent III.

 Third Sunday in Advent Zeph 3:14-20 Ps 85 Phil 4:4-9 Luke 3:7-20     

   Philippians 4

Have you been anxious about anything lately? Do you feel peaceful? Or are you being torn apart by things, people and events? What is disturbing your peace? How can you recover your Christian assurance and peace in this life and for the life to come? Is the Christmas hustle and bustle getting you in the fast lane? What I like about the church's observance of Advent is that it is a slowing down and a renewal of our vows, our faith, and our lives should be in harmony with His will and His Spirit instead of ...well you can fill in the blank!

Interesting , and I think I may have touched on this issue before, since it is the same Epistle , but the background of Rejoice, the peace of God which passes all understanding, and do not be anxious ( be careful for nothing in the KJV) is a situation in the church at Philippi. We can see it in 4:2 where Paul says, " I beseech Euodias, and beseech Syntyche, that they be of the same mind in the Lord." This is the background where members in the church were not getting along. They were to be of the "same mind." " The common mind they are to share, in reconciliation and mutal love, is one which sets the good of the church above personal interest, and finds its inspiration and example in the lowliness of the incarnate Lord and the standard He expects of His people. " Philippians, R. P. Martin Philippians 2:3-"Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem each other better than themselves." Be servants as Christ was. He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death.

Point 1. Do not be anxious. The little greek word is merizo which lit. means to draw in different directions, distract, hence signifies that which causes this care, especially an anxious care. Vine's Expository Dictionary of the NT. 

If your rejoicing meter is lower than your anxious meter, you and I have a problem. We are not at peace. We are part of the problem. The Apostle talks about how we can have this peace which comes from God so that we will know that He is our God, in charge, and have his peace, and therefore will not be anxious.

How? How can you and I have peace that is of God? Point 2

First realize that this peace is not of our own making. It is of God. The verb is a genitive of origin and is not of this world. I remember another place Jesus said this, " Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27

" In Time of Anxiety" - " O LORD, grant, we pray thee calmness and control of thought to those who are facing uncertainty and anxiety; let their heart stand fast , believing in thee. Be thou all things to all men, knowing each one and his petition, each house and its need; through Jesus Christ our Lord. " Amen.

BCP .1929, Free Church BCP 

Of course we should be reminded of this fact from Romans 5- " Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God."

Because the " Lord is at hand" This means He is coming again . This is an early Christian expression to encourage the people of God. Marantha " Our Lord, come!" Revelation 22:20 " He which testifieth these things saith,' Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so , come , Lord Jesus.

Because He is coming and is near and at hand, we can point 3 again rejoice . This sounds like what was said last week, and it was.

" Rejoice in the Lord alway ( not in ourselves): and again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation ( forbearance, gentleness to all, fairmindedness) - " the attitude of a man who is charitable towards men's faults and merciful in his judgment of their failings because he takes their whole situation into his reckoning." L. H. Marshall

In conclusion we can rejoice and have peace because we cast all our cares on Him (in the epistle of Peter) , and are not anxious but by prayer ( in general) and supplication ( specific requests) with thanksgiving ( eucharistia) present our requests before God.

God alone can change the people, the situation and us and me . His Blessed Son and Holy Spirit are our advocates to the Father through the blood of the Son , our Lord Jesus Christ.

When in a fix, Philippians 4:6. The peace of God which passes all human understanding is the result when we do all of these things, rejoice, cast our care on Him, present to HIm our prayers and supplications. Our hearts and our minds are guarded by Christ Jesus then.

I want peace. You want peace. Let us have peace through applying these truths! In Christ. AMEN>


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