Hymn to start the day

New every morning is the loveOur wakening and uprising prove;Through sleep and darkness kindly brought,Restored to life and pow'r and thought.
New mercies, each returning day,Come down around us while we pray;Old fears are gone, old sins forgiven,New thoughts of God, new grace from heaven.
If, in our daily lives, our mindsThink to bless all we meet and find,God's City will come down to the earth;Treasure untarnished, holy birth.
Hear us, O God, in your dear love,Let our prayers rise to you above,And help us, this and every day,To live as truly as we pray.

Words: John Keble, (19thC) adapted
I especially like the part " to live as truly as we pray." That is worth memorizing ! and doing?!

David McMillan.


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