A Better Possession we do not lose

Hebrews 10:34 " A Better Possession & Abiding"
Often we feel so drained and faithless that we need the encouragement of the Church( " let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works, not forsaking our own assembling together-10:24), & the fact that Jesus entered " into the holy place by the blood of ( His own blood) Jesus" -10:19, that we forget that we also have " a better possession and an abiding one"-10:34.

1. " You yourselves have a better possession and an abiding one...
" A better possession- stronger, more excellent . This word is so often used in Hebrews. 7:19- We have a better hope ( here the writer contrasts this with the law " (which) "made nothing perfect) by which we draw nigh unto God.

Origination of the word better- kreíttōn (the comparative form of krátos, "dominion" – what is better because more fully developed, i.e. in reaching the needed dominion (mastery, dominance); "better" after exerting the power needed to "plant down God's flag of victory."

7:22- a better covenant ( and Jesus is the "surety") This is also in 8:6, ( " But now hath he obtained a ministry the more excellent, by so much as He is also the mediator of a better covenant, which hath been enacted upon better promises.")

9:23- " better sacrifices" & in other places a better resurrection & a better country
I have thought of the places I have lived and with each one I found something quite delightful. In California I loved the smell of the Monterey bay where the sea otters, the sea lions, and sea gulls flew. ( this was near Pebble Beach & Monterey where I was stationed at Fort Ord, CA for 3 years) The hay from the farms where we lived in NOrth Dakota had a wonderful odor at certain times. Each place we have lived and what we possessed as we had the government move our possessions all had its unique aspects.

Surely what we hear here is the story of a " better possession" , that is in the rooms and mansions of heaven. Here there is complete honesty with ourselves and God for we see Him face to face. Here is there is no more death, and no more crying, for we are forever eternally with God . This is the better possession the writer is talking about in Hebrews.

An interesting note to observe is that this better possession has its deposit here on earth in our interior lives ( souls), where we live and move. " For by grace have ye been saved and we have been made alive together with Christ.." Ephesians 2:6 " to the end that we should be unto the praise of His glory, we who had before hoped in Christ; in whom ye also, having heard the word of the truth, the gospel of your salvation----in whom, having also believed, ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise which is an earnest of our inheritance, unto the redemption of God's own possession..."1:12-14

2. " You yourselves have a better possession and an abiding one."
An abiding one ----this is the word remain, meno in greek.stay, abide, remain. John 6:27 has the same word " the food which endures unto eternal life"

" So convinced were the readers of the truth of Christianity and of their true and permanent possession that they bore joyfully the loss of their material possessions." Hewitt

....Conclusion- Because of these facts, we are not to cast away our assurance which has great reward. The key is patience and faith at the end. Stedfastness or endurance are needed in the pursuit and continuation of the belief in the Son of God. " The righteous shall live by faith." ( quoting parts of Habukkuk 2:3)
We are of " faith unto the saving of the soul." 10:39 Our Christian faith is our anchor and our hope unto the end. If we truly have believed and trusted in Jesus , the author and finisher of our faith, we will save our souls. Christianity is a deep faith with eternal truths that we must cling to , not a temporary feeling of euphoria or joy, but an inward happiness that keeps us strong in the faith in the Son of God. This will allow us to persevere through the trials and testing of life here , not a short term solution but a long term solution to the problem of sin .

" The soul is the life of the body, Faith is the life of the soul. Christ is the life of faith." John Flavel


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