Christ our Great High Priest gives us all we need for this life and the life to come

Hebrews 9:24-28
" ( Here is)..another comparison of the blood of the sacrifices with Christ, the Levitical high priests entering by their holy places into the sanctuary, offered corruptible blood for one year only: but Christ entering into that holy body of his, entered by it into heaven itself, offering his own most pure blood for an everlasting redemption: for Christ is both the High Priest, Tabernacle, Sacrifices and Offerings themselves, indeed all those both truly and for ever." Geneva Study Bible

" Human history is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy." CS Lewis ( We can fill in the blank here based on our personal experience.......)

--- Today we consider Hebrews 9. This is the most extraordinary beautiful lovely passage in Hebrews for it does give us the essential of Biblical true religion, not the religion of man made stuff. Holy body, entering heaven itself, pure blood for everlasting redemption, the High Priest is the offering!

As I sat in the fog in the early morning am doing this I sang on the You tube from the 1940 hymnal, # 508, " Teach us to know the way of Jesus Christ, our Master, Give us His clear-eyed faith, His fearless heart, And through life's darkness, danger, and disaster, O may we never from His side depart." " May we be true to Him, our Captain of salvation, Bearing His Cross in service glad and free, Winning the world to that last consummation , When all the kingdoms shall His kingdom be."

1. Christ did not as the High Priest enter into the holy place made with hands but He went into heaven itself " NOW to appear in the presence of God for us." vs 24
vs 12 says what He did. " Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by HIS OWN Blood He entered into the HOly place, having obtained eternal redemption for us." Lange commentary ," Perfect communion with God is rendered possible by the perfect mediatorship of Jesus Christ, on the ground of a real expiation."

Having trouble? Having doubt? Having down time? Having disappointment? We are certain of this great truth . CHRIST shed His blood and presented Himself to God in Heaven as an evidence of His great sacrifice for us.

2. vs 28 " Once offered to bear the sins of many"
Rite I has this so clearly in the Holy Communion , p. 334 of the Prayer Book in the pew: " All glory be to thee, Almighty God, our Heavenly Father for that thou of thy tender mercy , didst give thine only Son Jesus Christ to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption; who made there, by His one oblation of Himself, once offered,a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction , for the sins of the whole world.."

Do you feel insufficient and unable to do what God has called you to do? Then remember who did it for you, that You are complete in Him now by faith ( as we read in Ephesians 1 ) the other day, " In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins..." 1:7
Do you feel overwhelmed in some area of your life? Realize the once offering of our Saviour covers all our sins, our frailities, doubts, and discouragment.

3. 9:28 b " ..and unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation." ( KJV)
"And let no one ever expect to see him at his second coming with joy, unless he have, in this life, been turned away from his iniquity, and obtained remission of all his sins, and that holiness without which none can see God. Reader, the time of his reappearing is, to thee, at hand! Prepare to meet thy God!" Clarke's commentary

One day we all shall appear before the judgment seat of Christ...and the believer can have joy now in this life because of Jesus blood and righteousness.

Conclusion: Don't you just love Hebrews. In it the gospel, the good news of redemption is so clearly put forth to us that we cannot but know Him and the power of His resurrection in this life. Let Him lead us as we travel through this time and space now, and place. amen.


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